Environmental Geology Workbook:  by Jack W. Travis
401 pages, $73.95 list
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Environmental Geology Workbook
Nominated for the E. B. Burwell, Jr., Award and the Claire P. Holdredge Award

Environmental geologists use a wide range of geologic data to solve environmental problems and conflicts. Professionals and academics in this field need to know how to gather information on such diverse conditions as soil type, rock structure, and groundwater flow and then utilize it to understand geological site conditions. Field surveys, maps, well logs, bore holes, ground-penetrating radar, aerial photos, geologic literature, and more help to reveal potential natural hazards in an area or how to remediate contaminated sites.

This new workbook presents accessible activities designed to highlight key concepts in environmental geology and give students an idea of what they need to know to join the workforce as an environmental geologist, engineering geologist, geological engineer, or geotechnical engineer.

Exercises cover:
• Preparation, data collection, and data analysis
• Descriptive and engineering properties of earth materials
• Basic tools used in conjunction with geoenvironmental investigations
• Forces operating on earth materials within the earth
• Inanimate forces operating on earth materials at the surface of the earth
• Human activities operating on earth materials

Each activity encourages students to think critically and develop deeper knowledge of environmental geology.
“Wonderful and thorough text that I strongly recommend.” — Sam Schramski, Western New Mexico University

"This lab book is very good. I like the broad coverage, approach, and level of detail." — John Giardino, Texas A&M University
Table of Contents
1. Locating Geological and Cultural Data and Literature for an Environmental Investigation
Reference Works Dealing with Environmental Geology Topics / Codes and Standards / Locating Material in a Library

2. Using the Scientific Method, Graphs, and Statistical Approaches to Solve Geoenvironmental Problems
Theory of Measurement / Recording Measurements / Graphing Geological Data / Statistical Analysis of Geologic Data / Force Diagrams

3. Identification of Earth Materials: Minerals and Rocks
Minerals and Their Physical Properties / Mineral Identification / Rocks

4. Sizing Sediments and the Classification of Soils
Characteristics of Soils and Sediment / Classification of Soils

5. Engineering Properties of Earth Materials
Fundamentals of Mechanics / Strength of Materials / Engineering Properties of Rocks

6. Recognition of Geologic Hazards with Remote Sensing Devices and Aerial Photographs
Remote Sensing / Types of Remote Sensing Systems / Remote Sensing Devices / Remote Sensing Devices Mounted on a Satellite / Advantages and Disadvantages of Satellite Remote Sensing Devices / Aerial Photograph and Remote Sensing Image Analysis / Applications

7. Recognition of Geologic Hazards on Topographic Maps, Geologic Maps, and Soil Maps
Topographic Maps / Geologic Maps / Soil Maps / Surficial Materials and Geology Maps

8. Earthquake Hazards
Location of Earthquakes / Causes of Earthquakes along Tectonic Plate Margins / Earthquake Severity and Magnitude / Geologic Hazards Associated with Earthquakes / Earthquake Catalogs and Seismicity / Earthquake Prediction / Recurrence Intervals and Slip Rates / Seismic Hazard Analysis and Seismic Risk Assessment / Earthquake Control / Earthquake Hazard Mitigation

9. Hazards from Volcanic Activity
Distribution of Volcanoes / Types of Eruptions / Detection of Volcanic Activity / Effects of Volcanic Eruptions / Planning for Volcanic Hazards

10. Landslides and Slope Stability Analyses
Causes of Landslides / Types of Landslides / Recognition and Mapping of Areas Prone to Mass Movement / Slope Stability Analysis / Planning and Mitigating in Landslide Prone Regions / Expansive and Shrinking Soil

11. Stream Flow Data and Flooding
The Hydrologic Cycle and Water Budget / Drainage Basin Morphology / Surface Runoff / Measuring and Estimating Flow Rates from a Given Storm Event / Hydrograph / Channel and Floodplain Morphology / Flooding / Flood Control Planning / Problems Associated with Engineered Flood-Control Projects / Floodplain Management / National Flood Insurance Program / Land Use Regulations in the Floodplain / Surface Water Quality and Water Resources

12. Estimating Amounts of Soil Erosion and Sediment Yields
Soil Erosion Caused by Falling Raindrops and Running Water / Universal Soil Loss Equation / Estimating Annual Sediment Yields within a Drainage Basin / Work of Wind / Erosion Control Measures

13. Groundwater and Associated Problems
The Groundwater System / Factors Affecting the Movement of Groundwater / Aquifers and Confining Layers / Movement of Groundwater / Utilization of Groundwater / Naturally Occurring Problems Associated with Groundwater / Human-Induced Problems Associated with Groundwater

14. Hazards and Problems Associated with Coastal Processes
Types of Shorelines / Estuaries, Coastal Wetlands, and Coral Reefs / Wave Energy and Shoreline Erosion / Shoreline Stabilization and Protection Systems Associated Problems / Coastal Planning

15. Hazards Associated with Glacial and Periglacial Processes
Locations of Glaciers / Types of Glaciers / Mechanics of Glacial Flow / Work of Glaciers / Correlation of Individual Sediment Units in Glacial Deposits between Outcrops, Wells, or Soil Borings / Location of Periglacial Regions / Environmental Problems Associated with Glacial Sediments / Environmental Problems Associated with Periglacial Soils and Possible Solutions

16. Problems and Hazards Associated with the Siting of a Waste Disposal Facility
Forms of Waste / Methods of Waste Disposal / Regulations Governing Waste Disposal / Pollution Potential from a Disposal Site / Design of a Waste Disposal Facility / Securing a Failure at a Waste Disposal Site / Site Safety Plan

17. Site Assessments and Environmental Impact Statements
Environmental Site Assessments and Environmental Audits / Environmental Impact Statements

18. Detecting Contaminated Soil and Groundwater
Sources of Possible Soil and Groundwater Contamination / Detecting Contaminated Soil and Groundwater / Data Collection / Sample Analyses / Interpretation of Data / Determining the Vertical and Horizontal Extent of Contamination

19. Remediating Contaminated Soil and Groundwater
Remediation Alternatives

20. Hazards Associated with Nonrenewable Resource Extraction
Types of Nonrenewable Resources / Exploration Methods / Extraction Methods / Land Reclamation

21. Environmental Laws and Land-Use Planning
Environmental Law / Land-Use Planning Perspectives / Land-Use Management

Appendix I: General Site Health and Safety Plan
Appendix II: t-Distribution Percentiles
Appendix III: f-Distribution Percentiles
Appendix IV: X2-Distribution Percentiles
Appendix V: Notations Concerning Geotechnical Properties of Soils and Rocks
Appendix VI: Glossary of Environmentally Related Abbreviations and Acronyms
Appendix VII: Aerial Stereograms