1. Introductory Concepts
Mathematical Preliminaries / Mathematical Induction / Permutations and Combinations / Pascal's Triangle and Combinatorial Identities
2. Introduction to Graphs and Their Uses
Graphs as Models / Subgraphs and Types of Graphs / Isomorphic Graphs / Graph Operations
3. Trees and Bipartite Graphs
Properties of Trees / Minimum Spanning Trees / A Characterization of Bipartite Graphs / Matchings and Job Assignments
4. Distance and Connectivity
Distance in Graphs / Connectivity Concepts / Applications
5. Eulerian and Hamiltonian Graphs
Characterization of Eulerian Graphs / Hamiltonicity / Applications
6. Graph Coloring
Vertex Coloring and Independent Sets / Edge Coloring / Applications of Graph Coloring
7. Matrices
Review of Matrix Concepts / The Adjacency Matrix / The Distance Matrix
8. Graph Algorithms
Graph Searching / Graph Coloring Algorithms / Tree Codes
9. Planar Graphs
Planarity / Planar Graphs, Graph Coloring, and Embedding / Graph Duals and a Planar Graph Application
10. Digraphs and Networks
Directed Graphs / Networks / The Critical Path Method
11. Special Topics
Ramsey Theory / Domination in Graphs
Answers/Solutions to Selected Exercises