Therapeutic Recreation: A Practical Approach by Marcia Jean Carter, Glen E. Van Andel
367 pages, $59.95 list
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Therapeutic Recreation
A Practical Approach
Fifth Edition
For over 35 years, Therapeutic Recreation: A Practical Approach has provided an authoritative and engaging introduction to the field of therapeutic recreation. The Fifth Edition of Carter and Van Andel's well-regarded text extends this tradition of excellence, equipping a new generation of students with the theoretical foundations and practical methods they need to become successful practitioners.

The authors present the fundamentals of recreational therapy practice from the perspective of a 21st-century health and human service profession: emphasizing evidence-based practices and documented outcomes, supporting individual and community assets, promoting fiscal responsibility, and utilizing a strengths-based approach that focuses on an individual's capacities when developing a strategy to improve health status, quality of life, and functional abilities.

Updates throughout reflect recent scholarship, revised standards and operational definitions, evidence-based literature to support interventions, and global health concerns. The critical component of documentation has been added to discussions of the APIE-D process, while chapters on neurodevelopmental disorders and behavioral and mental health issues incorporate the terminology and organization of the DSM-5. The latest edition also features expanded treatment of social issues and the adult-onset, chronic, and lifelong illnesses and disabilities associated with aging.

This full-featured edition retains the student-oriented approach that makes it an ideal text for introductory courses. Illustrations, case studies, key terms, study questions, and practical exercises reinforce key concepts and offer opportunities to apply chapter content, while abundant field-based photographs illuminate the practice of recreational therapy.

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“Carter & Van Andel is a high-quality text I have recommended to other faculty. It is much more user-friendly than previous, although outstanding, editions and very reasonably priced with an excellent intro and overview of the field.” — Robin Kunstler, Lehman College of CUNY

"Clearly the best text available." — Bob Frost, Central Michigan University
Table of Contents

1. Becoming a Member of a Profession
Introduction / The Nature of Therapeutic Recreation / Today's Health-Care System / A Conceptual Understanding: Recreational Therapy Practice Models

2. Discovering the Roots of a Profession
Introduction / Prenatal Period of Professional Development (1800–1935) / Becoming a Profession / Birth and Infancy (1935–1965) / Childhood (1966–1980) / Adolescence (1981–1990) / Young Adulthood (1991–Present) / Summary

3. Becoming a Helper
Introduction / What Characterizes a Helper? / What Characterizes a Client? / The Ethics and Problems of Helping / Interpersonal Facilitation Skills / Intervention—Modalities and Facilitation Techniques / Summary

4. Program Design and Management
Introduction / Individual Plans / Comprehensive Program Plans / Summary


5. Physical Impairments: Musculoskeletal, Neurological, and Neuromuscular
Introduction / Musculoskeletal Impairments / Neurological Impairments / Neuromuscular Impairments / Summary

6. Physical Impairments: Chronic and Sensory Disorders
Introduction / Circulatory Impairments / Respiratory Impairments / Endocrine Impairments / Cancer / Chronic Pain / HIV and AIDS / Sensory Impairments / Summary

7. Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Introduction / Intellectual Developmental Disorder / Autism Spectrum Disorder / Communication, Attention-Deficit/Hypercativity, Specific Learning, and Motor Disorders / Individuals with Multiple or Comorbid Disorders / Summary

8. Behavioral Health and Mental Disorders
Introduction / Major Theoretical Perspectives / Diagnoses, Etiology, and Functioning Characteristics / Purpose of Recreational Therapy / Delivery Settings / Considerations Affecting the APIE-D Process / Summary

9. Social Impairments
Introduction / Relational Problems, Abuse, and Neglect / Poverty and Homelessness / LGBT Youth / Trauma in the Social Environment / Delinquent and Criminal Behaviors / Summary

10. Children and Youth in Health-Care Settings
Introduction / Population Overview / Children and Adolescents: Developmental Processes and Responses to Health Care / Purpose of Recreational Therapy / Delivery Settings / Considerations Affecting the APIE-D Process / Summary

11. The Aging Process
Introduction / Population Overview: The Aging Individual / The Role of Recreation and Recreational Therapy in Successful Aging / Population Overview: Aging Persons with Adult-Onset, Chronic, and Lifelong Illnesses and Disabilities / Purpose of Recreational Therapy with Adult-Onset, Chronic, and Lifelong Illnesses and Disabilities / Federal Guidelines Affecting Services / Summary