1. The Case-Study Approach
Objectives of the Case-Study Approach / The Case-Study Analysis Process / Conclusion
2. Inclusive School Governance and Special Education
The Dual System of Governance and Practice / What Factors Affect How Special Education Is Organized? / Current Structure of Special Education / Role of the Special Education Administrator / Inclusive School Governance / Conclusion
3. School Reform in Special Education
The Allure of School Reform / Restructuring Schools / Education Reform and Special Education / Education Reform: 2010 and Beyond / Conclusion
4. Identification and Placement Issues in Special Education
What Do Administrators Need to Know? / The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA) and Its Effect / Identification and Placement / The Prereferral Process / Determining Eligibility / Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) / Current Issues / Conclusion
5. Conflict Resolution in Special Education
Foundations of Conflict / Conflict Resolution / Principled Negotiation / Conclusion
6. Program Evaluation in Special Education
The Challenges of Program Evaluation / Program Evaluation Components / Conclusion
7. Fiscal Issues in Special Education
How Is Special Education Funded? / Federal Funding of Special Education—IDEA / What Administrators Need to Know about Federal Funds for Special Education / Guiding Principles for Administering Federal Funds / State Funding of Special Education / Medicaid Reimbursement / Conclusion
8. Transportation Issues in Special Education
Potential Transportation Problems / Specific Transportation Issues / Transportation in and around School / Conclusion
9. Discipline in Special Education
Potential Controversy over Disciplinary Issues / Disciplinary Situations / Best Practice / Conclusion