1. Overview
What Are Tectonics and Structural Geology? / Tectonics, Structure, and the Use of Models / The Interior of the Earth and the Terrestrial Planets / Characteristics of the Earth's Crust and Plate Tectonics / Summary and Preview
2. Geophysical Techniques in Tectonics
Introduction / Seismic Studies / Analysis of Gravity Anomalies / Geomagnetic Studies / Heat, Temperature, and the Earth
3. Principal Tectonic Features of the Earth
Introduction / Ocean Basins / Structure of the Continental Crust / Precambrian Shields / Phanerozoic Regions
4. Plate Tectonics
Introduction / Relative Motion of Two Plates on a Sphere / Triple Junctions and the Relative Motions of Plates on a Sphere / Finite Plate Motions / Absolute Plate Motions / Properties of the Mantle / Driving Forces of Plate Tectonics
5. Divergent Margins and Rifting
Introduction / Continental Rift Zones / A Young Ocean Basin: The Red Sea / Mature Rifted Continental Margins: Passive or Atlantic-Style Margins / Oceanic Crust and Ocean Spreading Centers / Model of the Evolution of Rifted Continental Margins / Models of the Seafloor Spreading Mechanism / Miogeoclines: Ancient Atlantic-Style Continental Margins?
6. Transform Faults, Strike-Slip Faults, and Related Fracture Zones
Introduction / Oceanic Transform Faults and Fracture Zones / Models of Transform Fault Processes / Active Continental Transform Faults / Interpretation of Fossil Transform Faults in the Geologic Record
7. Convergent Margins
Introduction / Geography of Consuming Margins: The Circum-Pacific System / Physiography / Geophysical Characteristics of Consuming Plate Margins / Structural Geology / Chaotic Deposits / Models of Subduction Zone Processes
8. Tectonics and Geology of Selected Triple Junctions
Introduction / Representation of Velocity Triangles in Physical Space / Case Studies of Triple Junctions: The Bouvet Triple Junction / The Galapagos Triple Junction / The Mendocino Triple Junction / The Japan Triple Junction / Discussion
9. Collisions
Introduction / Arc-Continent and Arc-Arc Collisions: The Southwest Pacific Region / Continent-Continent Collisions: The Alpine-Himalayan System / Models of Collisional Deformation / The Formation of Mountain Roots / Models of Ophiolite Emplacement / Sutures: Evidence of Ancient Plate Boundaries
The Scientific Method / The Normal Progress of Science and Scientific Revolution / The Development of Plate Tectonics: A Scientific Revolution
10. Anatomy of Orogenic Belts
Introduction / The Outer Foredeep or Foreland Basin / The Foreland Fold-and-Thrust Belt / The Crystalline Core Zone / The Deep Structure of Core Zones / Rectilinear (High-Angle) Fault Zones / Metamorphism and Tectonics / Minor Structures and Strain in the Interpretation of Orogenic Zones / Models of Orogenic Deformation / The Wilson Cycle and Plate Tectonics / Terrane Analysis
11. Neotectonics
Introduction / Direct Measurements of Tectonic Movements / Dating Methods / Geologic-Geomorphic Features / Neotectonic Behavior of Faults and Folds
12. Case Studies of Orogenic Belts
Introduction / The North American Cordillera / The Andes / The Alpine-Himalayan Orogenic Belt: Alpine-Iranian Sector / The Alpine-Himalayan Orogenic Belt: Afghanistan-Himalayan-Tibetan Sector / The Appalachian-Caledonide System / Plate Tectonics in Geologic History
13. Tectonics of Terrestrial Planets
Introduction / Mercury / Earth's Moon / Mars / Venus / Discussion
Appendix: Map Projections