The Netsilik Eskimo:  by Asen  Balikci
276 pages, $36.95 list
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The Netsilik Eskimo
Today regarded as a classic, this description of life in polar cultures reflects traditional ethnography at its best and has been a favored account for thirty years. Balikci’s important study of the Netsilingmiut, an isolated tribe of Arctic hunters living close to the Arctic Circle, examines their technology, social organization, and religion. The extended period of time that the author worked with the Netsilik Eskimo is reflected in the depth of his understanding of their past and present environments. His portrayal of their dependence on government services, along with modern technology, provides an accurate and necessary insight into the process of cultural change being experienced by cultures in many developing countries. The volume makes a superb accompaniment to the Netsilik documentary film series.
“There are many classic works about life on the Arctic ice, but this one includes their history, an ethnography of survival under hostile conditions, and an update about the traumas of what is loosely called ‘contact and modernization.’ It is linked to a famous PBS television series.” — Martha C. Ward, University of New Orleans

“Excellent! A very appropriate ethnography for any introductory cultural anthropology course. It gives students a very readable feel for a different way of life and how fieldwork is accomplished.” — Mike Cothran, Jefferson State College

“Excellent work on hunter-gatherer society that gives students insights into the economy, family, and religion of a culture that is rapidly disappearing.” — Tim Miles, Brunswick Community College

“My students have remained enthused with this text over the years for its readability and the clarity with which it presents the Netsilik as people. A classic ethnography!” — Norris Johnson, University of North Carolina

“Balikci presents a beautiful story of life in polar cultures with clarity and refineness.” — Stephen W. Keller, University at Buffalo

“In conjunction with the film series on the Netsilik Eskimo that Balikci helped produce, the text is a part of a package of great pedagogical value.” — Stephen S. Soroka, John Abbott College

“A well-crafted book that demonstrates the intense interrelationship between the natural environment and the culture of the Netsilik.” — Donald H. Lambert, University of Texas at Dallas
Table of Contents
1. Netsilik Technology
2. Subsistence Activities and Camp Life

Part II. MAN AND SOCIETY: Social Collaboration
3. Kinship and the Nuclear Family
4. The Extended Family and the Personal Kindred
5. Collaboration
6. Partnerships

Part III. MAN AND SOCIETY: Social Tensions
7. Female Infanticide and Marriage
8. Suicide and the Individual
9. Conflict and Society

10. Elements of Netsilik Religion
11. Netsilik Cosmology
12. Religious Activities

Epilogue 1989: The Netsilingmiut Today