1. Rocks and Earth Structure
Introduction / The Three Classes of Rocks / Rock Distribution in the Earth / Earth Structure and Petrotectonic Assemblages
2. Igneous Rocks: Their Structures and Textures
Introduction / Recognition of Igneous Rocks / Structures of Igneous Rocks / Textures of Igneous Rocks / Origins of Igneous Rocks
3. Chemistry, Mineralogy, and Classification of Igneous Rocks
Introduction / Chemistry of Igneous Rocks: An Overview / Igneous Minerals / Textural-Mineralogical Classification of Igneous Rocks / Chemical Classifications / Classifications Using Multiple Criteria and Tectonic Setting
4. The Phase Rule and Phase Diagrams
Introduction / Systems and the Phase Rule / Unary Systems / Binary Systems / Ternary and Other Multicomponent Systems / Bowen's Reaction Series
5. Petrogenesis, Movement, and Modification of Magmas
Introduction / Primitive, Primary, and Parental Magmas / Magma Genesis / Magma Movements / Modification of Magmas / The Formation of Rocks
6. Basalts and Ultramafic Volcanic Rocks
Introduction / Basalt Types and Derivatives / Occurrences of Basalts / Basalt Chemistry, Mineralogy, Textures, and Structures / Specific Occurrences and Origins of Basalts / Ultramafic Volcanic Rocks
7. Rhyolites and Pyroclastic Rocks
Introduction / Mineralogy, Textures, and Structures of Rhyolites / Chemistry of Rhyolitic Rocks / Occurrences / Petrogenesis of Rhyolites / Rhyolite Volcanism: The Yellowstone Example / Other Pyroclastic and Volcaniclastic Rocks
8. Andesites and Related Rocks
Introduction / Mineralogy and Textures of Andesites / Types and Occurrences of Andesites and Related Rocks / Chemistry of Andesites / Petrogenesis of Andesites / Examples of Andesite Origins
9. Ultramafic-Mafic Complexes and Related Rocks
Introduction / Kinds of Ultramafic and Ultramafic-Mafic Rock Bodies / Occurrences of Igneous Complexes Containing Ultramafic Rocks / Chemistry, Minerals, Textures, and Structures / The Nature and Origins of Ultramafic-Mafic Complexes
10. Granites, Grandiorites, and Related Rocks
Introduction / Chemistry, Mineralogy, and Textures of Granitoid Rocks / Occurrences of Granitoid Rocks, Their Tectonic Significance, and Granitoid Rock Typing / The Origins of Granitoid Rocks / Example: The Tuolumne Intrusive Series, Sierra Nevada Batholith / Example: The Rattlesnake Pluton, Massachusetts: A Case with Peralkaline Rocks / Pegmatitic Granites and Aplites
11. Alkaline Igneous Rocks and Carbonatites
Introduction / Rock Types, Minerals, Textures, Structures, and Chemistries / Occurrences / Petrogenesis of Alkaline and Other Odd Magmas and Rocks / Examples of Alkaline and Related Rocks
12. Sedimentary Rocks: Their Structures, Textures, and Compositions
Introduction / Structures of Sedimentary Rocks / Textures in Sedimentary Rocks / Mineralogy of Sedimentary Rocks / Chemistry of Sedimentary Rocks
13. Classification of Sedimentary Rocks
Introduction / Classification of Group S Rocks / Classification of Group P Rocks / Classification of Group A Rocks
14. Sedimentary Provenance, Processes, and Diagenesis
Introduction / Weathering and Provenance / Transportation of Sediments / Diagenesis
15. Sedimentary Environments
Introduction / Types of Sedimentary Environments and Their Deposits / Continental Environments / Transitional Environments / Marine Environments
16. Mudrocks
Introduction / Types and Occurrences of Mudrocks / Mineralogy, Chemistry, and Colors of Mudrocks / Structures and Textures of Mudrocks / Contemporary Settings of Mudrock Deposition / Ancient Mudrocks
17. Sandstones
Introduction / Sandstone Classifications and Textures / Sandstone Compositions / Sandstone Structures / Occurrences and Origins of Wackes / Occurrences and Origins of Arenites / Sequences with Mixed Sandstone Lithologies
18. Conglomerates, Diamictites, and Breccias
Introduction / Distinctions between Major Types of Coarse Clastic Rocks / Textures, Structures, and Compositions of Coarse Clastic Sedimentary Rocks / Origins of Coarse Clastic Sedimentary Rocks / Examples
19. Carbonate Rocks
Introduction / Characteristics of Carbonate Rocks / Mineral Compositions and Chemistries of Carbonate Rocks / Textures and Structures of Carbonate Rocks / Occurrences and Origins of Carbonate Rocks / Examples
20. Cherts, Evaporites, and Other Precipitated Rocks
Introduction / Cherts / Evaporites and Related Rocks / Ironstones and Iron-Formations / Phosphorites
21. Metamorphism and Metamorphic Rock Textures and Structures
Introduction / Definitions: Metamorphism and Metamorphic Rocks / Agents and Types of Metamorphism / Structures and Textures of Metamorphic Rocks
22. Metamorphic Conditions, Classifications, Mineralogies, Protoliths, Facies, and Facies Series
Introduction / Mineralogy, Protoliths, and Rock Chemistry / Classifications of Metamorphic Rocks / Conditions of Metamorphism and Petrogenetic Grids / The Facies Concept / Facies Series
23. Metamorphic Phase Diagrams
Introduction / The System SiO2-CaO-MgO-H2O-CO2 as a Model / The ACF Diagram / The AFM Diagram / The CFM Diagram / Other Diagrams / Mineral-Facies Charts
24. Contact Metamorphism
Introduction / Facies and Facies Series / Conditions of Contact Metamorphism / Processes in Contact Metamorphism / Mineralogical Changes During Contact Metamorphism
25. Regional Metamorphism Under Low to Medium P/T Conditions: Buchan and Barrovian Facies Series
Introduction / Buchan Facies Series / Triple-Point Rocks / Barrovian Facies Series / Migmatites
26. High P/T Metamorphism: Franciscan and Sanbagawa Facies Series and the Origin of Blueschists
Introduction / Occurrences / Mineral Assemblages, Facies, and Textures / Petrogenetic Models / Example: Regional High P/T Metamorphism of the Franciscan Complex, California
27. Eclogites and Ultrahigh-Pressure Metamorphism
Introduction / Occurrences and Mineralogy of Eclogites / P-T Conditions, Natural High-Pressure Phase Assemblages, and Associated Phase Topologies / Examples of Eclogite Occurrences / Petrogenesis of Eclogites / Ultrahigh-Pressure (UHP) Rocks
28. Dynamic Metamorphism
Introduction / Occurrences of Dynamoblastic Rocks / Rock Types, Textures, and Structures / Minerals and Facies of Dynamoblastic Rocks / Processes During Dynamoblastic Rock Formation / Example: The Brevard Zone, Southern Appalachian Orogen
29. Alpine Ultramafic Rocks and the Mantle
Introduction / Occurrences of Alpine Ultramafic Rocks / Distinguishing Features of Alpine Ultramafic Rocks and Rock Bodies / The Nature of the Upper Mantle: A Brief Survey / Serpentinization / Examples of Alpine-Type Ultramafic Rocks
30. Petrotectonic Assemblages
Introduction / Rocks and Plate Boundaries / Conclusion