Grief and Loss: Theories and Skills for the Helping Professions by Katherine  Walsh
262 pages, $35.95 list
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Grief and Loss
Theories and Skills for the Helping Professions
Third Edition
Loss is a part of every life, and grief related to loss is inescapable. It can result in distress that impacts work, learning, rehabilitation, spiritual beliefs, social relationships, health, mental health, and well-being. Helping professionals who encounter grief reactions in multiple settings are often not trained to identify and respond to the many complex grief-related problems of clients. Without the opportunity to learn how to assess and address grief, many may lack confidence in acknowledging loss and providing effective support.

Although grieving is an extremely painful part of life, integration and adjustment are possible, and meaning can be made from loss. Readers will find many examples from caring and resilient students, interdisciplinary professionals, teachers, clients, and family members who have learned to make meaning from loss. The content of the third edition has been significantly influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic, the opioid addiction crisis, and increased awareness of racial trauma and injustice.

The book provides a foundation for understanding, assessing, and responding effectively to grief and loss. The content is designed for students and professionals who find themselves working in proximity to loss, trauma, and grief in various capacities—educator, advocate, case manager, counselor, mental health and health care provider, and more. The work is vitally important, and the rewards for helping others cope with grief and loss are substantial.
"This is a great book providing rich perspectives and addressing important recent elements impacting grief work. The author includes current statistical information supporting the importance of grief-related engagement with clients across biopsychosocial factors and their intersection." —Emeric Imrc Csaszar, Louisiana State University

"It is THE book for our field." --Sterling Wall, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point

“I plan to continue using this text. It is filled with valuable information for my students and allows for self-reflection along with learning how to be of assistance to those in need at a time of loss.” — Elizabeth Guzman-Arredondo, Calumet College of St. Joseph
Table of Contents
1. Introduction to Grief and Loss
2. Tangible Loss: Death
3. Symbolic and Ambiguous Loss
4. Self-Preparation and Self-Care for Professionals Encountering Loss and Grief
5. Loss and Grief Across the Lifespan: Childhood and Adolescence
6. Loss and Grief Across the Lifespan: Young and Middle Adulthood
7. Loss and Grief Across the Lifespan: Older Adults
8. Normal and Complicated Grief Reactions
9. Cultural and Spiritual Influences
10. Grief in the Context of Anticipated Loss
11. What Can We Do to Help Individuals and Families?
12. Helping Groups and Organizations
13. Communities and Traumatic Grief
14. Professional Resilience and Self-Care: Sustaining Hope, Helpfulness, and Competence in Working with Grief

Appendix A: Common Losses Across the Lifespan
Appendix B: Helpful Strategies for Coping with Grief
Appendix C: Remembrance Celebrations: Planning Your Own Memorial Service
Appendix D: Expressive Techniques
Appendix E: Caregiver's Sample Invitation Letter and Retreat Agenda
Appendix F: Exercise: Developing a Grief Protocol for Your Organization
Appendix G: Strategies for Professional Helping Children and Families Cope with Traumatic Loss
Appendix H: Annotated Bibliography of Recommended Books for Grieving Children, Teens, and Adults