Soils in Construction
Sixth Edition
Most geotechnical books on soil mechanics or foundations focus exclusively on the needs of engineers. But the increasing complexity of the construction environment requires construction and engineering managers to know more about engineering requirements. Soils in Construction provides students in those disciplines with the necessary background to make informed decisions about soils.
Every chapter of the Sixth Edition has been thoroughly updated, with all examples made even more clear and easier for students to follow. Many photos illustrate the concepts and applications of soils and geotechnical structures throughout the book. An appendix detailing lab procedures allow the book to serve those courses with a lab component while still maintaining flexibility for those without.
“A good text for Construction Management students—enough technical information so they understand the basic concepts but a lot more applications (methods, equipment, etc.) than most geotechnical textbooks geared mainly to engineers. I believe the students will enjoy it.” — Matthew Stone, North Dakota State University
1. Overview of Rocks and Soils
Rocks and Soils / Types of Rocks / Weathering Processes: From Rocks to Soils / Soil Deposit Origins and Types / Summary
2. Size and Behavior of Soil Particles
Properties of Particles / Coarse and Fine Fraction of Soils / Character of the Coarse Soil Fraction / Character of the Fine Soil Fraction / Summary
3. Soil Index Properties
Overview of Soils Testing / Coarse-Grained Constituents—Grain Size Distribution / Fine-Grained Constituents: Soil Plasticity / Phase States for the Soil Mass / Summary
4. Soil Classification
Textural Classification / Unified Soil Classification System, Laboratory Classification / Unified Soil Classification Systems, Field Classification / AASHTO Classification System / Summary
5. Stress Analysis and Engineering Properties
The Effective Stress Principle / Vertical Earth Pressure Calculations / Capillary Stresses / Permeability / Compressibility / Soil Strength / Summary
6. The Contract and Contract Documents
Parties to the Contract / Document Contracts / Bid Preparation / Contract Execution / Compaction Specifications / Summary
7. Interpretation of Soils Reports
Field Explorations / Geophysical Methods / Groundwater Conditions / Soils Engineering Reports / Other Information Sources / Summary
8. Embankment Construction and Control
Moisture-Density Relationships / Properties of Compacted Soils / Laboratory Compaction Procedures / Shrink and Swell from Borrow to Fill / Compaction Equipment for Shallow Lifts / Compaction Control Testing / Chemical Stabilization of Fills / Stabilization of Fill Foundations / Deep Compaction of Sands / Summary
9. Dewatering
Specifications / Excavations Under the Water Table / Seepage Barriers / Open Sumps / Wells and Well-Point Systems / Electroosmosis / Planning Dewatering Operations / Summary
10. Excavations and Excavation Supports
Specifications / Design of Excavation Slopes / Shallow Trenches and Excavation Safety / Support for Shallow Trenches / Support for Deep Cuts / Planning for Excavation Supports / Summary
11. Shallow Foundations and Pavements
Shallow Foundations / Pavements and Haul Roads / Summary
12. Deep Foundations
Rationale for Deep Foundations / Driven Piles / Drilled Shafts / Other Deep Foundations / Summary
Appendix A: Laboratory Testing Exercises
Appendix B: Selected Driven Pile Specifications
Appendix C: Pile Hammer Specifications
Appendix D: Unit Conversions
Solutions to Selected Problems