Literacy Development in Early Childhood
Reflective Teaching for Birth to Age Eight
Second Edition
Widely recognized as a leading text in its field, this popular guide explores literacy development beginning in infancy and through fourth grade. The latest edition continues to prepare teachers to create and implement literacy-rich curricula in early childhood classrooms, while providing updates to federal legislation and highlighting the impact of state standards on educational settings. Recent technology is integrated into activities used to enhance literacy competencies. Throughout the book, the author's approach to reflective teaching empowers teachers to become effective decision makers and thoughtful mediators in children's transactions with literacy.
A conceptual and theoretical foundation for describing reading and writing processes is followed by research-based descriptions of the signs of emergent literacy and developmentally appropriate instructional strategies. The emphasis on linguistic and cultural diversity includes an array of approaches for supporting English language learners. Chapter extension activities challenge readers to apply concepts through observation, research, curriculum development, and discussion. Sample observation and assessment forms assist in determining children's progress in developing literacy.
"An excellent tool for our program. The detailed descriptions, easy reading, and references make this book one we recommend our students hold on to for future use as they begin their careers. The price is perfect for the working student, and we will be using this book for many years to come." — James Peas, Southern Crescent Technical College
"Otto's text is widely recognized as the 'industry standard' in Early Childhood Literacy Development." — Elaine Chakonas, Northeastern Illinois University
1. Literacy and Learning
What Does It Mean to Be Literate? / Why Is Literacy Important in School and in Life? / What Is Your Role as a Teacher of Young Children? / What Recent Initiatives Have Addressed Literacy in the United States?
2. Theoretical Perspectives on Literacy Development
Behaviorist Perspective / Naturalist Perspective / Interactive Perspective / Transactional Perspective
3. Oral Language Development: Foundation for Literacy
Role of Adults in Children's Language Development: Overview / Stages of Young Children's Oral Language Development / Oral Language Foundations for Literacy / Diversity in Early Childhood Settings / Continuum of Literacy Development
4. Signs of Emergent Literacy Among Infants and Toddlers: Observation and Exploration
Oral Language and Emergent Literacy / Critical Role of Family and Early Childhood Settings / Observing and Exploring Written Language / Revisiting the Transactional Perspective
5. Enhancing Emergent Literacy Among Infants and Toddlers
Early Childhood Settings for Infants and Toddlers / General Classroom Guidelines / Enhancing Emergent Literacy Through Specific Activities / Guidelines for Teachers of English Language Learners (ELLs) / Guidelines for Teachers of At-Risk Children / Informal Assessment of Emergent Literacy Behaviors / Home-School Connections
6. Signs of Emergent Literacy Among Preschoolers
Evidence of Preschoolers' Development of Emergent Literacy: Overview / Context of Preschoolers' Emergent Literacy / Revisiting the Transactional Perspective
7. Enhancing Emergent Literacy Among Preschoolers
Setting the Stage for Preschoolers' Literacy Transactions / Enhancing Emergent Literacy Through Specific Activities / Guidelines for Teachers of English Language Learners (ELLs) / Guidelines for Teachers of Preschoolers Who Are Language Delayed / Assessment: Observing and Documenting Children's Emergent Literacy / Home-School Connections
8. Emergent Literacy Among Kindergartners: Signs, Standards, and Assessment
Looking for Signs of Emergent Literacy Among Kindergartners / Key Signs of Emergent Literacy Among Kindergartners / Looking for Signs of Emergent Literacy in Your Kindergarten / Kindergarten Language Arts Standards
9. Enhancing Emergent Literacy and Beginning Reading and Writing in Kindergartners
Kindergarten Context and Curriculum / Key Areas of an Emergent Literacy Curriculum / Key Learning Contexts and Activities for Emergent Literacy / Enhancing Literacy Development Through Independent Activities / Enhancing Literacy Development Through Teacher-Directed Activities / Putting It All Together / Assessments / Family Involvement in Kindergartners' Literacy Development
10. Literacy Instruction in First Grade: Becoming an Independent Reader and Writer
Learner Characteristics / Learning Contexts / Key Areas of Literacy Instruction in First Grade / Learning Activities and Teaching Strategies / Strategies for Working with ELLs and Struggling Readers / Informal Assessment Strategies / Revisiting the Transactional Perspective: Comprehensive Literacy Instruction in First Grade
11. Literacy Instruction in Second and Third Grade: Transitioning to Fluent Reading and Writing
Learner Characteristics / Learning Contexts / Strategies for Enhancing Key Areas of Literacy / Strategies for Teacher-Parent Partnerships / Assessment and Literacy Portfolios
12. Transitioning to Fourth Grade—Reading and Writing to Learn
Literacy Transactions in Fourth Grade / Strategies for Enhancing Literacy Development in Fourth Grade
Appendix A: Literacy Resources for Infants and Toddlers
Appendix B: Suggested Books for Preschoolers
Appendix C: Preschool Observation Forms
Appendix D: Suggested Categories and Titles for the Kindergarten Library Corner
Appendix E: Lesson Plan Templates and Examples
Appendix F: Resource Book for Reader's Theatre