Essential Laboratory Mathematics: Concepts and Applications for the Clinical and Chemical Laboratory Technician by Catherine W. Johnson, Daniel L. Timmons, Pamela E. Hall
268 pages, $46.95 list
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Essential Laboratory Mathematics
Concepts and Applications for the Clinical and Chemical Laboratory Technician
Second Edition
This hands-on manual, with pedagogical features that draw the learner into the content, offers clear and complete coverage of the mathematical topics most often used in today’s clinical and medical laboratories. Furthermore, it provides a solid foundation for subsequent courses in the laboratory sciences. The first two chapters present a review of basic mathematical concepts. The remainder of the book provides students with a realistic means to build on previously learned concepts— both mathematical and scientific—to refine their mathematical skills, and to gauge their mastery of those skills.

Outstanding features . . .

• Each chapter opens with an outline, objectives, and key terms.
• Key terms, highlighted within the text, are listed and defined in the glossary.
• “Margin problems” and practice problem sets provide the chance to gain immediate proficiency.
• Laboratory exercises and review problems allow students to apply what they’ve learned and assess their understanding and progress.
• A special calculator icon signals explanations of calculator use for a particular mathematical function.
• Study hints—“Keys to Success”—offer practical suggestions and guidance for maximizing achievement.
• The workbook design enables users to solve problems and take notes directly on the pages.
“The book is excellent. Explanations are clear and problems are succinct, to the point, and relevant to the subject matter.” — Diana Hurlbut, Irvine Valley College
Table of Contents
1. A Review of Arithmetic and Algebra
A Review of Fractions / A Review of Decimal Numbers / Working with Percents / A Review of Solving Algebraic Equations / Ratio and Proportions

2. Measurements
Measurements in General / Scientific Notation / Significant Figures and Rounding / The International System of Weights and Measures / Temperature Scales

3. Dilutions
Introduction to the Dilution Ratio / Concentration of Dilutions / Dilution Series / Independent Dilution Series / Dependent Dilution Series / Dilution Correction Factors

4. Solutions
Introduction to Solutions / Preparation of Solutions Using Parts / Preparation of Solutions Using Percent Concentrations / Preparation of Solutions Using Molarity / Preparation of Solutions Using Normality / Preparation of Solutions Using Specific Gravity / Preparation of Solutions Using Prepared Stock Solutions / Converting between Expressions of Concentration

5. Logarithms, pH, and Ionic Solutions
Introduction to Logarithms / Antilogarithms / Ionic Solutions / pH and pOH / Acid–Base Relationships and Buffer Systems

6. Graphs and Graphing
Introduction to Graphs and Graphing / Constructing Graphs / Interpreting Graphs / Semi-Log Graphs / Applications of Graphs: Standard Curves

7. Clinical Chemistry and Urinalysis Mathematics
Introduction to Clinical Chemistry and Urinalysis Mathematics / Lipid Calculations / Calculations Associated with Plasma and Serum Proteins / Calculations Associated with Cerebrospinal Fluid Proteins / Bilirubin Calculations / Calculations Associated with Renal Function Tests and Urine / Calculations of Osmolality and Electrolytes / Calculations Associated with Serum Iron / Calculations for Acid–Base Balance and Acid–Base Disorders / Thyroid Calculations

8. Hematology Mathematics
Introduction to Hematology Mathematics / Manual Blood Cell Counts / Correcting White Blood Cell Counts for Nucleated Red Blood Cells / Absolute White Blood Cell Counts / Reticulocyte Counts / Red Blood Cell Indices

9. Statistics and Quality Control
Introduction to Basic Statistical Terminology / Fundamentals of Descriptive Statistics / Variation / Normal Distributions / Control Charts and Westgard Rules

Appendix A: Commonly Used Calculator Keys
Appendix B: Metric (SI) Prefix Values and Abbreviations and Common Laboratory Measurement Units (Metric or SI) and Their Abbreviations
Appendix C: Periodic Table of the Elements
Appendix D: Table of Atomic Masses (Weights) Based on Carbon-12
Appendix E: Names and Valences of Common Ions
Appendix F: Optical Density/Transmission Table
Appendix G: Percent Error Formula for Calibrating Pipettes
Appendix H: Relative Centrifugal Force (RCF) Calculation
Appendix I: Body Surface Area Nomogram
Appendix J: Siggaard-Andersen Alignment Nomogram
Appendix K: The Apothecary System


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