Learning Styles Inventory
1. I am likely to understand and remember things that I hear.
2. I enjoy classroom activities where I can participate, like labs.
3. My notes have lots of pictures, arrows, or other symbols in them.
4. I understand and follow directions on maps.
5. I enjoy working with my hands.
6. Before beginning an unfamiliar task, I prefer to see someone do it first.
7. I often need verbal explanations of graphs and diagrams to understand them.
8. I can 'picture' the correct answer from my notes while taking a test.
9. I prefer that professors write information on the board during their lectures.
10. I think better when I have the freedom to move around.
11. When performing an unfamiliar task, I prefer to have someone talk me through it.
12. I remember material better when I summarize it out loud.
13. I make pictures like graphs & charts to help me better understand concepts.
14. It is difficult for me to study in a noisy area.
15. I prefer to listen to a speech than to read about the same material.
16. When learning something, I often ignore the directions and just start doing it.
17. If I sat near a window in class, I would probably be distracted by it.
18. I often tap my foot or pencil when thinking.
19. When I'm trying to explain something to someone else I use my hands a lot.
20. I remember more about a subject by listening to a lecture than by reading a text.
21. I get restless when I am required to sit still for an extended period of time.